Saturday 15 March 2014

Bridging to 10

This week we have been learning how to quickly add together numbers to 10 (also known as rainbow numbers). This skill can help us transition easily into adding larger numbers accuratley. Bridging to 10 means all the different ways we add to make 10 for example 1+9=10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10 etc. The quicker we get at adding these numbers the easier it will be to at 19+1 or 84+6. We started our learning journey by reading 12 way to get 11 written by Eve Merriam. This allowed us to visually see the bridges we can make.

Once we had a good understanding of what it means to bridge to 10 we used coloured counters, flipping one counter at a time and recording the number sentence to 10. We also learn a new song to help us remember the number facts you can watch it HERE:

We reinforced these number sentence by playing bridging to ten games on the interactive whiteboard.
You can practise these games here
We then made our own abacuses so we can practise bridging to 10 when we have numeracy warm ups in the future.

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