Friday 21 March 2014

Pursuasive text

Mrs Thompson the schools Literacy Specialist Teacher made a visit to our class this week. She came to teach us what it means to be persuasive. We started by inspecting an advertisement for apples and how advertisers use tools to persuade our likes and dislikes.
 Once we had discovered how to persuade someone we were given two ideas and told to split into groups in order to give our opinion and a reason why we have that opinion. We then came back together and had to debate and pusuadaue Mrs Thompson why our opinion was the best.
We then decided which we liked more cats or dogs, split into groups again discussing the reasons for this opinion, before making a poster to persuade it's audience.

As a follow up activity we discussed how advertisements are great examples of persuasive texts. We viewed two advertisements on YouTube one for Lego and the other for Furbies. We then had to write our opinion and one or two reasons for this opinion. I also think I have encouraged old forgotten toys to come out of the cupboards at home.

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